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You are going to law school because you want to make a difference in your

world. You want your life to count. Perhaps you have wondered how, as a lawyer 

and a Christian, you can make an impact in society. Consider an internship with 

Cru and find a place where you can leverage your law training to make an eternal and global difference.


Joining with us for a summer will acquaint you with the tremendous array of 

issues that affect one of the world's largest mission organizations. It will also garner you real life experience in a variety of law disciplines. You will have opportunities to develop professionally and spiritually as you learn alongside peers and seasoned lawyers. This internship will change how you want the Lord to use you in the years to come.

  • Corporate

  • Contracts

  • Employment

  • ​Data Protection

  • ​Intellectual Property

  • ​Regulatory Compliance

  • ​Non-Profit Tax

  • ​Real Property

  • ​International

  • ​Religious Freedom

  • Immigration

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